Sitemap - 2022 - Shannon B Douglas is Chasing Quicksilver

Wokeness and The Magic of Words

Open Letter Nov 22, 2022 - OCDSB Trustees - Reject Mask Mandates

The Gender Bubble

Institutionalized Intimidation - How D.E.I. Establishes itself in Organizations

The Tyranny of Equity & an Elder's Prayer

Diversity Training? or Discrimination by Another Name: Definitions & D.E.I.

Cross-Canada Trip - Connecting to the Cancelled and the Concerned

Chasing Quicksilver - Ep 10 - The Lord of the Crossroads

Chasing Quicksilver - Ep 9 - What Would Your Mother Say?

Bill 67 - Open Letter - Joel Harden MPP - Ottawa Centre - Member, Standing Committee on Social Policy

Chasing Quicksilver - EP 8 - The Great Forgetting

Chasing Quicksilver - Ep 7 - Mnemosyne, The Goddess of Memory

Chasing Quicksilver - Episode 6 - Rene Descartes and the Gates of Consciousness

Chasing Quicksilver - Episode 5 - Explorer Mode and the Definition of Consciousness

Chasing Quicksilver - Episode 4 - Fishers and Farmers

Chasing Quicksilver - Episode 1 - Psyche: The Goddess of the Soul

Chasing Quicksilver - Episode 3 - Alchemy and the Hollow Bone

Domestic Abuse, Rapists, Child Molesters & the Trucker's Convoy in Ottawa

Chasing Quicksilver - Episode 2 - Aristotle and the Butterfly

Chasing Quicksilver - Episode 1 - Psyche: The Goddess of the Soul

Bell Media #BellLetsTalk fails to speak openly about Massive Mental Health Crisis

Breaking: Florida Parents sue School District for Appropriating Parental rights in gender case:

Chasing Quicksilver - Full Prologue - Main Street and Broadway

Chasing Quicksilver - Authors Preface

Open Letter: Waterloo Region District School Board #WRDSB